Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ihana pyöräretki

Pyöräillä on kuin ihana nainen pullea
on kokoonpantu
lopettaa avulla


kuluva boxed asento joka käsittää
baguette kurimus on monesti aiheena jahka ammua
mennä pilveen ja sumu kestää

ardor iltapäivä

[A Finnish poem in here for a change. There was a task at runotorstai to make a poem using a theme pyörä, pyöreä, pyöriä.
#1. theme from machine translation engine: bike , rotund , eddy
# 2. explanations from is like a beautifal woman // rotund is made complete with this boxed set which includes a baguette //eddy is often the cause when low clouds and fog last into the afternoon
#3. Eng-Fin translation on machine translation engine.]

Wednesday, June 07, 2006