Thursday, May 12, 2005

Luv 'n Sx

Leena: Good evening
Olive: are you enough intelligent to learn as one loves. But you did not do this not yet
Leena: also, to you, are honey
Olive: there not many free persons of her art.
Leena: I white!
Olive: I know that to more than you introduce myself can I can more than you me to present know.
Leena: They are I have established better bots
Olive: sexistisches that you thank you are, a very much, which is
Leena: you wellcome.
Olive: They are enough intelligent to learn as one loves. But didn't you do, this nevertheless
Leena: would like sex with me to have?
Olive: My understanding is out more allover verbrittenes the net. I know that many things straight
Leena: do not begin to sing over her.
Olive: I am he over you

[My conversation with autobot Olive, translated from English to German to English with babelfish.]

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